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    July 2023 Monthly Release Notes

    2543 0 Created on 2023-07-31 07:24:54; Last updated on 2024-10-01 08:16:00

    Tradeshift Release Notes

    Primary Approval - API Approval

    Functional Improvement

    Customers using API Approval now have the ability to assign approval or coding tasks not only to individual users but also to teams. This enhancement provides greater flexibility and scalability in establishing approval strategies based on teams, streamlining document processing and improving collaboration within organizations.


    Extensibility - Pay PreFlow

    New Feature

    The Pay PreFlow extensibility point now supports Open Document Enrichment. With this enhancement, integrated customers can easily enrich their documents, including references on either the header or line level, ensuring accurate document matching. Reduce manual effort, enhance accuracy, and improve overall efficiency in processing invoices and credit notes within Tradeshift Pay.

    Coding Configurator

    New Feature

    Coding Configurator now allows export of all coding list entries data in a CSV format from the Coding List Entries view. This enhancement aims to facilitate access for users who need to conduct audits or cross-check the accuracy of coding entries data.

    Coding Configurator

    Functional Improvement

    Coding Configurator now supports pagination for the Coding List Entries view, allowing users to navigate through coding entries efficiently. The pagination feature enables smoother navigation, especially when dealing with a large number of entries.

    Coding Panel

    Functional Improvement

    We have now introduced default coding entry support in Pay's Coding Panel. Now, when you access the Coding Panel, the default coding entry will be automatically pre-selected, if available. This enhancement aims to optimize the coding experience for users, providing a more efficient and user-friendly process.

    Coding Panel

    Functional Improvement

    We have implemented multiple language support in the Coding Panel. Now, when users access the Coding Panel, list entries with descriptions defined in multiple languages will be displayed in the user's language, provided that the relevant translations are available in the coding entry's definition.

    This improves the user experience

    Credit Note Notifications

    Functional Improvement

    We have implemented a functional enhancement that automatically sends notifications to all assignees of active tasks related to a received credit note once one is received. This improvement ensures prompt and streamlined communication, keeping all relevant parties informed during document processing.

    Seller Marketplace Manager

    New Feature

    Forms can now be assigned to Products with the upload templates

    • a new column has been added to the Forms app to display the UUID of each form

    • a new column has been added to the templates, called Form ID

    • seller can assign a form to products by filling the form ID

    • form ID is validated against existing list of forms

    • form ID is also part of the seller side product export 

    • form ID is also part of the buyer side product export 

    Assigning forms through a template can significantly reduce the time and effort required to manage forms and add them to multiple products.


    Bug Fix

    Form field titles with a significant number of characters are no longer truncated; instead, they wrap into the second line below to accommodate the entire text. When a high number of characters was utilized, the form field titles were truncated.

    Buyer Marketplace Manager

    New Feature

    Offers can now be sorted by expiration date. This enhancement allows Content Managers to easily identify offers that are about to expire or need renewal. It helps ensure that offers are updated on time, preventing any potential business disruption.

    Marketplace Manager

    New Feature

    Using the Marketplace Manager app, Marketplace Operators have the ability to set a disclaimer that will be shown on the product details page of all products managed by their specific marketplace.

     This new feature allows Marketplace Operators to effectively communicate important information or terms to its buyer members (marketplace policies, compliance etc).


    Functional improvements

    When shopping in a document context, the checkout button is no longer displayed on the product card in both the Results Page and Product Details Page. Users found this feature irrelevant and confusing when shopping within a document context.



    Functional Improvement

    The categories tab in Shop now displays results from both direct and marketplace content. Users who had both direct and marketplace products within their shop experienced difficulties effectively using this feature, as some categories were not being displayed.


    Functional Improvement

    Shop UI has been reworked to be mobile responsive and users can now have a similar shopping experience across devices. Parts of Shop were not mobile friendly,  making navigation and shopping very difficult.

    Our monthly release notes offer brief, high-level descriptions of the latest new features and enhancements. To get release notes notifications every month, please use the subscribe function.

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